Nothing distressed me more than when my college-going son fell into a depression - for no apparent reason. I was shattered. Although we took professional help for him, my thoughts turned to Guruji, about whom I had heard from my daughter.
The family of a friend of my daughter's used to go to Him. The friend's mother kindly agreed to introduce us to Guruji. She repeatedly assured me that everything would be okay and that my son would not even lose academic time in college. Guruji would take care of everything, she said. I just wanted my son to be well and normal; his losing a year in college was hardly a priority.
Guruji was extremely kind and considerate during my very first meeting with Him. Once He assured me that things would be okay, I relaxed. With Guruji's kind blessings, my son made a slow but steady improvement. We even went against doctor's advice when my son appeared for half of his exams at the scheduled time. Next, college authorities turned out to be most understanding and allowed him to appear for the remaining exams after a month. As a result, he cleared all the exams with good marks. By the grace of God and Guruji, my son recovered within a month or so. He has now happily settled down in his hostel and is doing well in his studies. His depression seems like a bad dream.
After meeting Guruji, I feel as if our whole family has been blessed and we feel secure under His protection. I shall always feel grateful to Guruji for His kind blessings. He is truly a messenger of God.
A devotee
July 2007