Guruji takes us out of court trouble

Neha Chopra, April 2019
I moved to Australia with my husband in January 2019. The only way we could ensure we both stayed in Australia was through a work visa. We applied twice for it, but got rejected both times. We filed a case in the tribunal court as regards my husband's visa. Though my husband could stay as long as the court case didn't open, I had to travel on a tourist visa. We had to live with the visa uncertainty and that stressed our marriage.

One trying day, I lost my patience, cried in front of Guruji's swaroop and surrendered to Him. I told him I was ready for anything and everything He planned for us. The very next day, we got an email from the tribunal court saying that our case file had been opened. In itself a positive move, it also meant that if we lost the case, both of us would have to return to India. Moving back to India would undermine all that my husband had worked for during the last two years.

We submitted the information requested by the tribunal, but got a negative reply and were asked to appear for a hearing. Our world came crashing down.

Guruji held my hand as many satsangs I heard were related to court cases and how Guruji got people out of those. Every week or so, I would get intimations of Guruji's presence—in the form of butterflies I'd see fluttering outside my house. Then one night, I had a vision of Guruji as I slept. I saw a purple butterfly sitting on Guruji's swaroop. On waking up, I realised I had seen a purple butterfly sticker on my front door. I intuited that Guruji was working out something.

Meanwhile, we exchanged more information with the court via email. Two days before our hearing, the court emailed to say that our hearing was cancelled as the information we had provided was sufficient. Jai Guruji! Our happiness knew no bounds. Though it will take some time for the situation to be fully resolved, I know I have nothing to worry about as Guruji is blessing us and is working out our karma through these incidences. Many thanks, Guruji.

Neha Chopra, a devotee

April 2019