Satsang Submission Guidelines
This site accepts satsangs on good faith, as we believe they are testaments to Guruji's sacred presence in the lives of His devotees. A satsang is the true and living account of your relationship with Guruji and your journey with Him. This is the primary criterion that your written record must uphold. If it does not, this sacred bond would be made commonplace and trivialized. We, on our part, will not be able to honour such a satsang with acceptance.
We understand satsangs can be spontaneous expressions of your love, but they need to pass the bar of readability and coherence. A simple practice can be helpful: After writing your satsang, please let it sit with you for such time that you can read it with a fresh set of eyes. You will find that you are a better writer this second time, and ready to submit to the site.
A few do's and don'ts:
- Sat means Truth. Hence do not deviate from it in your telling.
- This site reserves the right to edit your satsang for language, meaning and relevance. This sewa has been followed since year 2006 since the very first of satsangs were written at Guruji's behest.
- We do not accept any photographs with satsangs. None were incorporated along with the satsangs in 2006.
- If devotees are part of your satsang, ensure their mentions are relevant. These devotees should have approved their inclusion. Note that devotees familiar to you will not be known to readers elsewhere. Identify them.
- Do not mention details that can impugn the reputations of peoples and institutions.
- We discourage all manner of self-serving publicity. The site mentions when satsangs have been put up in social media and via email.
- Ensure that all points of fact—dates, names, places, times etc.—are accurate. If accuracy is not possible, use approximations. We cannot verify details.
- We accept submissions in a Word document alone. Multiple entries are discouraged.
- Do not add formatting to your Word document. Include headlines or subheads, if required, in simple boldface.
- For highlighting anything, use italics.
- Give your write-up in English or Hindi. Please try and use the Hindi script for typing if you use Hindi. We reserve the right to translate into English.
- Please refer to your spouses, relatives (buas, mausas, chachas etc.) and acquaintances with the appropriate term. 'Uncle' and 'Aunty' is popular usage within our sangat for spouses, but is misleading when written.
- We need to preserve the dignity of the satsang. Do not use language or symbols taken from SMSes/ WhatsApp chats and emojis. Do not use any logos or sacred symbols.
- Once published, satsangs cannot be revised or changed. We will take corrections related to facts and language when pointed out.
- Manuscripts are not accepted.