Page 150 - Surcharged With Divine Love
P. 150
etc. A living guru is a blessing not all of us are blessed
with and if you have one, or had one, then you are truly
blessed. Whenever you go to a guru, even if the guru
asks you as to what you want, always say “Baksh de”
or bless me. Never ask for anything. A true guru is
aware of your problems and needs and when the time
is right will give everything without your asking, In fact
will give you more than you could have ever asked for.
Such is the greatness of a true master. “Je mang ke
litta te ki litta?” - “Taking a bessing by asking for it
has no charm.” Guruji often said this and stressed on
the fact that a guru should never be told about your
problems. A guru always knows. If a guru has to be
told of your problems, then he is not a true guru.
Getting something from your guru without having to
ask for it has its own charm.
“Kalyug wich rab bahut cheti mil jaanda hai.” –
“In this Kalyug, it is very easy to attain god.” “Main
taan saste wich mileya hoya haan, tuhanu meri
kadar nai. Kar lo mere sir te aish jinni karni hai.” -
“You have not had to go through struggles to find me,
you have found a guru easily therefore you don’t know
my value. Enjoy while you can at my cost.”
The meaning and importance of these words by
Guruji never struck me till I came across this small
sakhi –
Raja Janak was a very spiritual king. Before sitting on
his throne he would touch the feet of 9 rishis and take
their blessings in order to remain humble and
150 / Surcharged With Divine Love