Page 172 - Surcharged With Divine Love
P. 172

work. Spending this amount had upset my budget and
          delayed certain other plans. At night, before sleeping, I
          prayed  to  Guruji.  “Guruji,  I  wish I  could  tell  you  how
          badly I need the money that I have just spent today. I
          wish you could help me with some money.” After having
          said  that  I  went  off  to  sleep.  My  mother  and  I  have
          certain  investments  made  in  two  different  post  offices
          and every two months, without fail, I go and withdraw
          the  interest.  The  next  horning  I  filled  up  the  two
          withdrawal forms and went to collect the cash. At the
          first post office, I was told to fill in the form again since
          the amount I had mentioned was much less than what
          was  due.  I  argued  with  the  cashier  that  he  was
          mistaken  and  that  I  have  been  withdrawing  cash
          regularly every two months without fail. There was no
          way  I  could  get  more  cash  than  what  I  usually  get.  I
          showed him the passbook and the regular entries made
          in it. He took a look at all my records and still asked me
          to fill a new form with a bigger amount. I did so and in
          my mind I thanked Guruji for the extra cash. As I was
          leaving for the next post office, a truck came and over
          took my car from the wrong side. As I looked, I noticed
          the following words written on it - 'Jis ke sar upar tu
          swami  so  dukh  kaisa  pawe'  meaning,  a  person  who
          has  the  hand  of  God/guru  over  him,  can  never  be
          unhappy. At the next post office I was again asked to
          fill in the form all over again as the amount I had filled
          was  much  less  than  what  was  showing  on  the
          computer.  I  told  them  that  there  must  be  a  mistake
          since I regularly withdraw the cash and there is no way

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