Page 114 - Surcharged With Divine Love
P. 114

executive officer in a big firm (and today he is working
          in  one)  In  my  dream  I  am  thinking  that  if  a  third
          divisioner can get a good job then Guruji, what about
          me? Guruji turns towards me and writes something on
          my forehead with his finger. All I remembered was that
          the letter ‘i’ and ‘e’ were part of the word that he had
          written. Many years passed and I would always wonder
          what Guruji had written on my forehead. Just recently
          it  struck  me  that  I  had  become  an  interior  and
          landscape designer and both the words interior as well
          as designer have the letters ‘i’ and ‘e’.

               Guruji,  in  his  telepathies  tells  us  a  lot,  not  just
          about the immediate future but about many things yet
          to  happen  down  the  years.  He  comes  and  even  cures
          his  sangat  through  telepathy.  I  remember  suffering
          from a very painful boil and the doctor had asked me to
          come back the next day as she wanted to operate upon
          it. That night I prayed to Guruji and begged him to save
          me  from  the  painful  procedure.  That  night  Guruji,  in
          my  telepathy  comes  and  gives  me  a  white  paste  to
          apply. Next morning when I woke up I realized I had no
          pain  and  as  I  looked  for  my  boil,  I  couldn't  find  it
          anywhere!  By  applying  a paste  in  my  telepathy,  he
          cured me of a painful boil. What was more; there wasn't
          even  a  mark  left  that  could  suggest  I  had  anything

               Just  before  my  grandfather  was  to  fall  ill,  I  had  a
          telepathy where I am standing under a huge mountain
          and all of a sudden the mountain starts to crumble and

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