Page 25 - Light of Divinity
P. 25

Light of Divinity

This would have been easy if the shivalinga had a solid base. But
the dome could not have taken the weight of a solid shivalinga;
and, moreover, a hollow base would draw all eyes upwards into the
shivalinga, reminding us that we are within Guruji’s sharan.

  There was only one mason in Delhi who had the ability to do this.
But he was in very difficult circumstances. How Raghubir managed
to find this particular person and how this person was able to build
this shivalinga is another satsang in itself.

  Enough to say here that the sheer beauty of the architectural and
engineering feats on display are testaments of Guruji’s grace. The
Bade Mandir is His seat of spirituality, the favoured land of Shiva
and Nanak. Here, Omkar and Aum are one, reflecting of each other
timelessly. The temple welcomes the spirit of man forever. And He
smiles at all who come; He blesses again and again and yet again.
And the light of divinity shines ever-brighter.

Even the soil is miraculous

As the mandir and its surroundings were developed, it was clear that
the place was (and is) indeed favoured by Lord Shiva. Even to the
casual observer, the growth of the plants and trees was exceptional.
A lady planted at the temple a few of the flowering plants she had
bought for her farmhouse. To her amazement, these plants bloomed
into flowers of at least twice the size in the mandir as compared with
those planted at her farmhouse.

  Once, permission was sought from Guruji to have the lawn grass
re-carpeted. He gave his go-ahead, but there was not much time left.
A temple function was fast approaching. The temple gardener went
ahead with the task. Once the grass was laid down, it was clear that
the decision was not correct on two counts: more time should have
been given for appreciable growth of the new carpet of grass; and
the variety that had been selected was one that tends to cut the feet
initially and becomes soft only after the first cutting, which was out
of question due to paucity of time.

  However, to everyone’s amazement, the grass grew exceptionally
fast. The first cutting was taken up well before the function and
the growth was so good that another trimming was managed just
before the function. The quality of the carpeted lawn on the day of

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