Page 30 - Light of Divinity
P. 30
When the Divine
Father blessed us
with sons
IT was in the last week of June 1998 that I had the good fortune
of having Guruji’s darshan. My maternal uncle had been telling
us about Guruji and the miraculous cure of his heart problem. My
uncle had been advised to go for an urgent bypass surgery by his
cardiologist. Preparing himself mentally for surgery, he had gone
to Guruji for his blessings. Guruji had ordered him to sit near him
and press his feet. Guruji then inquired about his health. Uncle told
him and then sought Guruji’s permission to leave and his blessings
for the imminent surgery. Guruji told him that he need not go for
the surgery, saying, “I have already done your bypass.” It was hard to
believe even for a devout disciple like him, but he was happy that
Guruji had blessed him.
Next morning, uncle went for his pre-admission tests. The tests
revealed that his heart was functioning perfectly. His cardiologist,
however, attributed the good reports to the tests having been done
just after the patient had slept well. He directed uncle to get the tests
redone at a different laboratory. Again, the results were the same.
The doctor was stunned. Uncle related the night’s happenings at
Guruji’s to the doctor. The doctor was left speechless and could not
but wonder at Guruji’s divine intervention.
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