Page 26 - Light of Divinity
P. 26

Light of Divinity

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Guruji is always there

There are other inexplicable goings-on in the mandir that hint at
a supernatural force going about its benign work. Regular visitors
to the temple have witnessed the idol of Lord Shiva on the temple
grounds changing expressions. And in year 2006, during Holi, there
was a spot of colour on Shivji’s brass idol that adorns the hall.

  It is also certain the omniscient Guru has the temple within his
protective gaze at all times. A school teacher recounts a memorable

  She had gone to the mandir very early on the occasion of Guru
Purnima so that she could attend school later. She reached the
mandir at 6.15 am. Only the gardener saw her come to pay her
obeisance to her Guru on this auspicious day. And—as was later
confirmed—he told no one of the visit. But someone else had also
seen her.

  On the teacher’s very next visit to Empire Estate, Guruji called her
and said: “Auntie, you had visited the mandir on Guru Purnima at 6.15
am. I was watching you in my meditation.”

Renaissance of faith

Ages hence men shall look upon this sacred spot as the birthplace
of dharma. Within our own lifetimes, the Bade Mandir shall rise
foremost in the estimation of men. It shall herald a new dawn of
spiritual consciousness and inaugurate through the men, women
and children it blesses, an era of goodwill among mankind and peace
among neighbours. For behold, the shivalinga has risen again. Its
ascension proclaims the coming of deliverance. Those oppressed by
the iron hand of fate shall be released from the miserable bondages
of disease and ignorance. Those bound and subjugated by rampant
evil shall find new strength and courage—and win. The ocean of
suffering shall be humbled by the small boat of faith and courage
that braves its way through, its oars being the Satguru’s word and his

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