Page 32 - Light of Divinity
P. 32

Light of Divinity

going to Empire Estate. They told me of the many thousands of
devotees who had come to Guruji’s birthday and of the experiences
the sangat had shared with them. I thought, “But would he bless
us with a child?” We had been childless for seven years. Medical
treatment, prayers, and upaays (remedies) had failed. My uncle
had suggested we seek Guruji’s blessings. He had also related the
experience of a contractor friend of his.

‘‘You will get children; run away’’

The contractor had been childless for 16 years, when he got Guruji’s
blessings. Guruji had told him, “Puttar vee ditte, dhee vee dittee. Hor
issi saal (I give you sons and a daughter too; that too this very year).” This
was unbelievable, but true to Guruji’s word, the contractor’s wife gave
birth to triplets (two sons and a daughter) on 31 December of that
year. “Everything is possible with Guruji’s blessings...but whether
and when will he bless us?” I wondered. We continued visiting
Guruji regularly but he never talked to us. The sangat told us to have
faith in Guruji. “He will talk to you at an appropriate time. Do not
go to him on your own to mention your problem,” they advised us.

  One day, when we were sitting amidst the sangat after the langar,
Guruji gestured to me to come to him. Was he indeed calling me? Yes,
it was me, the sangat assured me. I walked up to Guruji, thousands
of thoughts in my mind but with no courage to speak. “Aithe kyon
aaya vein (Why have you come here)?” he asked me. I mustered just
enough courage to mutter, “Guruji, I have no children.” Guruji
said detachedly, “You will get children. Run away from here.” Without
thinking, I muttered, “Guruji, I have not come to run away.” Guruji
looked at me and said, “Ok; then keep coming every eighth day.” This
was something that surprised me no end. I wondered how Guruji
knew it was convenient for me to come only every eighth day. At
that time, I was working in shifts with a eight-day rotation cycle (two
morning shifts, two afternoon shifts, two night shifts and then two
off days), with only the evening of the first off-day being convenient
for attending the satsang.

  We started going for Guruji’s darshan every eighth day. The
members of the sangat, who had been blessed by Guruji, used
to narrate their experiences. This gave us hope that our desires
would also be fulfilled, thanks to Guruji—but when, we used to

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