Page 37 - Light of Divinity
P. 37

Light of Divinity

refuelling staff was waiting for him to come and get the refuelling
started. I went to the technician, who said there was a lot of work to
be done and he was single-handedly attending to the aircraft. Even
the securing arm of the engine flap was not working and he had had
to make it rest on the step-ladder while working on the engine. I
heard him out and requested that he get the refuelling started and
then attend to his work. He asked me to go to the re-fueller and that
he would follow soon.

  Just as I turned to go, he shifted his stance on the step-ladder
(not in my sight) and the flap of the engine dropped from the rest
it was on and started falling down. I caught a glimpse of the flap
approaching me with great speed, and remembered Guruji. The flap
struck my forehead and blood oozed out.

  I was conscious and was driven to the airport doctor. He looked
at the wound and said, “God has saved you. A centimetre up or a
centimetre down and the injury could have been fatal.” This time
too, I knew the God who had saved me.

Saved in flooded Mumbai

On the day of the Mumbai floods, 26 July 2005, I was in office.
Some of the employees left early knowing that train services were
disrupted. I went through my office work and came out at the usual
time. By then, the employees who had left early to catch the trains
had started returning to the office as the service had come to a halt.

  I had commuted that day by my car and was in two minds: should
I stay put or try to reach home? One of my colleagues came to me
and said that his son was stuck in school, which was on our way to
home. That decided it for me. I remembered Guruji and headed for
home, with a stopover planned at the school of my colleague’s son.
As we tried to leave office, one of the gates was already submerged
and a car had broken down in front of it. We went out through the
other gate. The roads were under water and it was difficult to get
through. Braving the water and the jams, we reached near the school
of my colleague’s son in about two hours.

  As the buses were not plying, the school had made arrangements
for the overnight stay of the students at the school, we learnt. My
colleague said that since his son was comfortable with his classmates
and our ability to reach home was doubtful, he had decided to let

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