Page 38 - Light of Divinity
P. 38

Light of Divinity

the child be only at the school for the night. We decided to continue
trying to reach home. As we moved on, we found that the water had
come to such a height that it was not possible to drive through or
return to the office. I decided to park the car at the high point where
I had parked it when my colleague had gone to his son’s school and
called home to say I would not be coming home.

  We slept in the car and the next day I drove the car back home
slowly as the water kept receding. On reaching home in the evening,
I found that all the cars parked in the residential complex had
been submerged and required major repairs amounting to tens of
thousands of rupees per car. The same had happened to the cars
parked at the office.

  The media spoke of people who had slept in their cars on the road
getting killed because the water level rose, trapping the occupants,
who were unable to pull down the window panes or open the doors.
But no harm had come to me and neither had my car been damaged.
All because of the One whom I had remembered just before leaving
office. Only Guruji’s kripa could have saved me that night and it did.

His grace continues after mahasamadhi1

In February 2007, on a visit to Delhi, I went to have Guruji’s
darshan. As I was about to bow before him before taking his leave,
Guruji said, “Tu Delhi wapas aa gaya hain [Have you come back to
Delhi]?” I replied “Nahin Guruji, halli te Bombay hee haan [No, I am
still in Bombay].” Guruji pointed to another person and said that
he was talking about that man. But this was indication enough for
me (now having some sense of how disciples’ wishes were granted)
that I would get my long-awaited transfer to Delhi. I got my transfer
orders to Delhi in the end of March 2007. I joined the Delhi office
after a month and moved my family to Delhi on 26 May 2007. We
were fortunate enough to have his darshan a day later.

  On 31 May 2007, when I came to know of Guruji’s decision to
leave his body, I was shattered. Returning from Bade Mandir, I kept

1But for the concluding paragraph, this section of the satsang was written after
Guruji’s mahasamadhi.

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