Page 39 - Light of Divinity
P. 39
Light of Divinity
on thinking of the innumerable occasions when Guruji had blessed
us with all that was not our due and that we were not even worthy
of. What will happen now? Who will take care of us? These questions
crossed my mind, and I did not have an answer. However, the One
who had always answered all our demands, doubts and prayers had
the answers to these questions. I was to learn this in a few days.
I had been participating in an inter-corporate business simulation
competition with my team in 2005 and 2006. For 2007, the regional
preliminary round was slated for 1-2 June in Delhi.
But, after Guruji’s mahasamadhi, I felt I could not continue. I called
up my teammates and told them that I was a much weaker person
now and that they should not rely on me. One of them consoled me,
saying that the Guru does not ever desert a disciple—even after leaving
his own body. I, however, did not believe him because I was grief
Our team somehow managed to get through the initial four rounds
of the regional preliminaries. In the final round, we took risky
decisions so that we could have a shot at the regional finals. The
results came, and we were told that we had not qualified. I pulled
out Guruji’s photograph from my pocket and said, “This is what is
expected to happen now. Aap [Guruji] ke rahte hue, baat kuchh aur
thi [When you were around, it was different].” As I was looking at
Guruji’s smiling face in the photograph, my teammate who was
checking the results, said, “They have not fed our decisions correctly
into the computer.” We went to the organizers and told them of
the mistake. After corrections were made, we were found to have
qualified for the regional finals. After that, our team did not look
back and stood second in the national finals on 6 June 2007 and
subsequently second in the Asia-Pacific Region finals in September
2007. Guruji had thus told us in no uncertain terms that he and his
grace are still with the sangat.
On the personal front, I was worried about getting admission for
our sons in a good school. We were trying to gain access for our sons
through different contacts but to no avail. Ultimately, I remembered
Guruji and asked him: “When you have given us these two sons,
why don’t you get them admission in a good school?” The question
was answered faster than it was asked. The children got admission
in a top-class school in Delhi, without any donation or political
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