Page 56 - Light of Divinity
P. 56
Light of Divinity
about Mansingh. Guruji blessed Mansingh. Within the next two
weeks, he was discharged and is now healthy and back at home. The
family, which have got back a member of their own from a dangerous
disease, keep thanking Guruji ceaselessly.
With you since beyond time
My twin sons would constantly squabble about who was elder. One
day Guruji cleared their doubts by pointing out that one was elder
to the other by six minutes. I was amazed to hear this as due to a
complication during their birth, the doctors could not note down the
time of birth of the second twin. I wondered how he knew this. He
suddenly turned and answered that he was the one who had blessed
me with these sons and so he knew!
And that was before I had gone to him, before I knew him
as Guruji, before I had felt his presence in my life. Obviously, he
had known me since way beyond and had been keeping timeless
watch! Unsurprisingly then, every single day at Guruji’s is filled with
miracles. I thank Guruji for being there for us now and always.
– Satsang of Dr Anita
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