Page 61 - Light of Divinity
P. 61

For my most dear

and sweet Guruji

ITHANK my stars for the day Guruji came into my life. My life has
  been transformed and it seems all my worries have finally bid me
good bye. That is because Guruji is divine; he is the almighty.

  I had come to Guruji in November of 2005 after a friend had told
me about him. I had come laden with problems: monetary issues,
family disturbances, and niggling anxieties and tensions. Nothing
seemed to be in place. I had no mental peace.

  I began going to Guruji. One day he talked to me: it made my day.
Two months after I had first had Guruji’s darshan, my father had to
be immediately hospitalised. He had pneumonia and he had to be
put on a ventilator. The doctors told us he only had a 10 per cent
chance of survival. I went to Guruji’s mandir and silently prayed to
him. In a vision I saw that Guruji had gone with me to the hospital,
taken my father off the ventilator and cured and blessed him.

  Soon, with Guruji’s permission I told him about my father’s
ailment. The next day, when we went to the hospital, I was amazed
to find my father all right; his life-support system had been removed.
Guruji had saved my father and given him a new life.

  I began experiencing Guruji’s miracles very often after this
incident. I found out soon enough that he is omnipresent and takes
care of your problems. My husband is a case in point. His financial
deals were stuck, and we were facing an economic crunch. Yet, the
deals got sorted out on their own and our money worries were soon

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