Page 59 - Light of Divinity
P. 59
Light of Divinity
Subsequently, I would complain to Guruji that the inhalers and
medications were very strong and requested him to help me get rid
of the disease. He was annoyed and reprimanded me for reminding
him. He knew exactly what the problem was.
A month passed and I realized that I had no asthma, which meant
no usage of the inhaler. When going on a journey, I still buy an
inhaler to be on the safe side. Invariably after the holidays, I return
the inhaler, unused, to the chemist. The asthma has been eradicated.
Once we were at a gathering of devotees with Guruji. He suddenly
placed both his hands on a gentleman’s head and we saw rose petals
shower down. Guruji did the same on a lady’s head and a shower of
petals again fell. The lady pulled out her duppatta (a scarf used to
cover the head) to collect the petals. It was a beautiful miracle.
On my birthday, Guruji called me forward and in the presence of
the sangat asked me to extend my hands. Suddenly, a sari fell on
my palms. Guruji ordained that I should keep it in a clean place
without wearing it. The sari had the rose fragrance so typical of
him and even though 10 years have passed, the fragrance remains.
Moreover, Guruji predicted a few years ago that my daughter would
get married to a wonderful man. Without my getting sleepless nights
over her marriage, it happened. Today, she is happily married and
has two beautiful sons, thanks to Guruji’s blessings.
Guruji showers his blessings in the form of prasad. I have on
numerous occasions seen him create a prasad of pure ghee (clarified
butter). Once, in a similar fashion, he gave kada prasad to a devotee.
And many times we have beheld laddoos (sweets) emerging from
nowhere, but full of his fragrance.
My earnest advice to everyone is: do not dig shallow wells here and
there for getting water. The pits will dry up soon. Dig a very deep pit
in one place. Centralise all your efforts here. You will get good water
that will supply you throughout your life. Try to imbibe spiritual
teachings thoroughly from one preceptor alone. Drink deep of the
wisdom of one man. Sit at his feet for some years. There is no use of
wandering from one man to another, out of curiosity, losing faith in
a short time. Follow the instructions of one guru only. If you go to
several people and follow the instructions of many persons, you will
be bewildered. You will be in a dilemma. Remember, from one doctor
you get a prescription. From two doctors, you get a consultation.
From three doctors, you get a recipe for your cremation!
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