Page 67 - Light of Divinity
P. 67

Like the sun rising

suddenly on a

sodden landscape

IT is not within my capacity or competence to put into words the
  supremacy of my guru, for how can I do justice in cold words
to his colossal divinity. However, in a sincere tribute of love and
reverence for my guru, I share my experience of supreme blessings
with his approval.

  The path we seek is not different from the summit of salvation,
the purpose of our being. The journey from seeking to reaching this
summit is a cinch for those who entrust their reins in the hands of
their guru. For we are not pathfinders, but followers.

  I was born into a Jat Sikh family. My family had to its credit
happiness, tasteful living, good education and discipline. Throughout
my childhood, I have always been influenced by my grandfather, a
devout follower of his faith and of his master. Slowly, the import of
finding a guru dawned on me.

  I was married into a Jat Sikh family. My husband, the only son after
three daughters in his family, was brought up with a lot of affection,
which he seemed to have taken for granted. He learnt to have his
way. To his negligence towards the family and lack of responsibility
towards himself can perhaps be attributed his fondness for alcohol—
his major problem.

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