Page 72 - Light of Divinity
P. 72

Light of Divinity

and I could hear him talking with a woman. I could hear everything.
My husband was with his mistress. I was stunned.

  Of course, I knew that he used to go to girls when he was young.
When I voiced my suspicion, he would point out that he daren’t take
such a risk as AIDS was prevalent. Since my husband had always
been conscious of his health and spoke with such confidence, I had
believed him.

  So this affair was a big shock for me. But I kept my wits about
me and summoned my daughter-in-law and let her listen to the
conversation for I knew I would need to confront my husband with
proof. Else, he could just prevail over me with violence. My son was
out of Delhi.

  Guruji, I am sorry, but that day when he came back home, I hit
him and turned him out. He was so drunk that he did not know
what was happening. He was kept out of the house for 10 days—and
came back saying many times that he was sorry. He is a man with a
big ego: he never used to say sorry.

  Two months after that incident, there was a sea change in my
husband. He turned into a good man after making me suffer for
35 years. Today the same man loves me a lot; he loves the children
and his grand-daughter. Nowadays if he drinks a lot, he cries. He
confesses that he is not a good man and has given me a lot of pain.

  With Guruji’s grace, I have forgotten everything and there is deep
love between me and my husband—as if we have just been newly

  May Guruji bless all the women of the world who suffer so much.
I would like to tell everyone to come to Guruji’s feet and be happy.
He is God. I love my Guruji very much.

—Satsang of a devotee

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