Page 68 - Light of Divinity
P. 68
Light of Divinity
It is a dream of every girl to be happily married, and I was no
exception. But when a family is haunted with alcoholism, nothing
is any longer in anyone’s control and worldly fetters and problems
become insurmountable. The burden of responsibility and my
unhappiness soon disillusioned me.
During that time my grandfather visited me. My inner turmoil
reached out to him without words, and he assumed I needed some
help. My eyes filled up with tears and I told him that I wanted him
to pray for me to find a Puran Guru (a complete and perfect master).
However hard a mortal being may try, she cannot find an enlightened
master. The master finds her when she is ready to tread his path.
Shortly, my mother took me to visit Guruji in Chandigarh. From
the moment I stepped in to Guruji’s, I could smell roses. And the
sight of him flooded my eyes with tears. For the next few hours that
I sat there, tears kept streaming down my eyes. Many times after
first meeting Guruji I could not control the outburst of emotions,
and I simply could not understand why. Every time I visited him,
I experienced a peace that passed understanding. It was as if the
flood of tears was singularly transforming me by some alchemical
In the meantime, my husband began to drink more. He lost all
sense of responsibility and was squandering money. I tried telling
him about Guruji and also persuaded him to meet Guruji. He
laughed at me, saying such gurus were a dime a dozen and teased
me about my conservative attitude. He also did not approve of my
visiting Guruji.
Around November 1999, my husband was posted to Lebanon on
a UN mission. There his drinking problem worsened, and he was
diagnosed as having liver cirrhosis. Our world fell apart. I took the
first flight to be with him. The doctor clearly stated that his liver had
packed up and that he would require a transplant within two years.
To find a donor in such a short period was a near impossibility.
Even if a donor was found, a transplant would have been exorbitant
and in many cases unsuccessful. Doctors cautioned my husband that
even a single drop of alcohol taken henceforth would prove fatal.
Meanwhile, my parents kept going to Guruji and praying for my
husband’s life.
After being in the hospital for a few weeks, we came back to Delhi.
I requested him to meet Guruji. He did come, but all the while that
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