Page 97 - Light of Divinity
P. 97
Light of Divinity
According to Bakshi, the tractor too is under Guruji’s protection.
An incident bears this out. Bakshi’s son dreamt that some people
were trying to stop the tractor as he was driving it. One person
sitting on the tractor advised him to stop immediately, as the people
might try to snatch the tractor away. The son immediately stopped
the tractor. But suddenly Guruji appeared and asked him to proceed.
On Guruji’s reassurance, he ventured ahead, to find that the crowd
parted to allow his tractor to go through it. Bakshi’s son told his
family members about the dream. They understood it to mean that
Guruji had protected the tractor from a mishap.
Bakshi becomes a big farmer
In year 2004-2005, Guruji allowed a few of his devotees to go and
visit his village, Dugri. Around 30-35 persons arrived in Dugri and
Bakshi served them lassi (the staple Punjabi drink). That night his
wife dreamt of Guruji, and he asked her if there was any shortage
of ghee. When she said no, Guruji asked her why she had served
just lassi to the sangat and kept the butter. She was embarrassed
and woke up. Next morning, she told her family about the dream
and they decided not to repeat the mistake (though it was an
unintentional one, as the orders were for lassi to be served). On any
given opportunity now, they are more than glad to serve the sangat
lassi and butter. Why exactly the Bakshis were asked to serve the
lassi and butter is not clear. Yet, since it is true that one gets what
one gives out, then it needs to be noted that Bakshi has now become
a big farmer.
Guruji had once prompted him to consolidate his scattered land
holdings. Bakshi had then told Guruji that he had been trying to
do so for a few years and had asked Guruji if he would be able to
consolidate them. Guruji had told him it was high time he made a
dedicated effort and he would get the reward. More than happy to
have Guruji’s blessings with him, Bakshi kept pushing hard, and
today he is the owner of a 200-acre farm in Dugri. All plots falling
between his properties are in his name.
But Guruji was not yet done with Bakshi. His devotee suffered
from an acidity problem and Guruji gave his blessings to him
through a copper tumbler. As Bakshi drank water from it, his acidity
soon disappeared.
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