Page 92 - Light of Divinity
P. 92

Light of Divinity

his daas through the top of the cranium. The sheshanaga then wrote
‘Aum’ and ‘Aum Namah Shivay’ on my entire body. The sheshanaga
picked out my stent and threw it out. Now the sheshanaga takes
care of my body and of my heart.

  Guruji (Lord Shiva) told me the sheshanaga would remain in
my body always. Guruji then took out a knife, cut out a third eye,
entered my body through that eye and sat at the spot. Guruji then
cut away my feet and affixed a new pair of feet with Aum Namah
Shivay written on them and said they will only go there where
everything will be well. Then he took out my eyes and inscribed the
Aum there, saying that now the eyes will see only good things, not
bad. The Aum was written with peacock feathers.

  Guruji always lives with me. At any time we may have to leave
our family members, our friends but Guruji always lives with us.
He takes all our tensions and gives us happiness. He always lives
with me. Guruji is everything to me in my life: he is father, mother,
and friend. I cannot live without him. I put myself, my children,
everything on the feet of Guruji. Whenever I want, Guruji gives me
darshan as Lord Shiva and Mother Ganga always comes from his
body into my head.

  Once Guruji, in the form of Lord Shiva, threw a trishul (trident)
towards me. It passed through my body and made a triangle around
it. And Guruji said that this trishul would always stay with me. After
some time, Guruji also took my heart out and gave me a new one.
He said that there will be no problem in the future.

  Then, on the night of 17 May 2006, I dreamt that two white-
clothed messengers, yamdoots, of the God of Death were standing
beside me. They were telling me my time was up. But Guruji
appeared and told the yamdoots that I would not be going with them.
The yamdoots insisted but Guruji told them that though my time
was up, I would continue to live on earth. He told them to go away.
And they did so—without me.

  I woke up. It was around 1.45 am and I felt that my heart was
as tight as a screw. I thanked Guruji. He had again saved my life.
Indeed, he has given me a new life many times. I only request that
Guruji keep me at his lotus feet till hundreds of lifetimes. And I pray
that I should always be working as per his will. I hand myself over to
him for ever.

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