Page 94 - Light of Divinity
P. 94

Guruji’s words

end 12 years of a

child’s suffering

IT was during year 1996 that Mr. Bakshi from Dugri (Guruji’s
  native village in Punjab) took refuge in Guruji’s sharan. Bakshi’s
daughter had a damaged ear drum since she had been a year old.
Pus used to ooze out of her ears, and she would have fever and
a sore throat. She had been enduring this for the last 12 years.
Bakshi had gone to doctors, pundits and astrologers and even
tried out babas and saints, but his daughter’s condition remained
the same.

  Bakshi then decided to go to Guruji. Guruji was in Panchkula,
and when Bakshi and his daughter reached there, he was engaged in
paath (meditation). A devotee conveyed their problem to Guruji and
came back with instructions that the distressed father and daughter
should return for Guruji’s darshan the next week. The Bakshis
were demoralized. They had travelled four hours from Dugri to
Panchkula, but they did not lose patience and decided to come the
following week at 6 pm.

  The following week, Guruji wanted to know why they had come.
Bakshi told him about his daughter’s condition and asked for
Guruji’s grace. Guruji responded with a smile and said: “Kalyan ho
gaya, ja aish kar (I have blessed you, be carefree).” The importance of

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