Page 84 - Light of Divinity
P. 84
Light of Divinity
A few months passed. A special entrance exam was conducted for
the state of Uttar Pradesh. Since some seats in various colleges were
up for grabs, I appeared for exams related to these, but the story of
NRI seats and hefty charges remained the same.
Then one night, Guruji summoned Dad and told him: “Singla, your
son is granted admission; go and enjoy.” Dad, unable to make much of
the laconic remark, thanked Guruji and left. Next afternoon, when I
came back from college (Delhi University),Dad asked me if I wanted
to join an engineering college in Greater Noida. I was surprised since
it was already November 14 and all the admissions had closed on
November 10. But I took no time in saying yes.
We went to the college office—walking distance from our home—
submitted a copy of the required documents and I was asked to join
the next day. Dad narrated the whole story on the way back: how
one of his friends had called up that very morning and told Dad to
come immediately to the college office. Dad had rushed there and
was asked to fill in a form and submit it along with a back-dated
cheque of Rs 24,000. There was no one-time fee, and the seat had
the lowest annual fee possible.
Dad finally understood the meaning of Guruji’s remark. I had been
practically called from home and granted admission!
Blessings extend to my friends as well
In college, Ashish, Yogesh and Mukesh became very good friends
of mine. After some initial hiccups, they were lucky to get Guruji’s
darshan, a place at his lotus feet and also their share of experiences.
Our university follows a semester system, wherein six subjects
have to be cleared in six months. In case you fail to score the
required minimum, you have to reappear for the same examination
after a year. If a borderline student needed 10 grace marks to clear
all the subjects, they are given. At the end of the second year, Yogesh
was left on the border line, as he required 11 marks instead of the
available 10. This translated into a loss of one year. Very upset, he
had to sit out at home for about a month as he was not allowed to
attend next-year’s classes. One day he desperately prayed to Guruji
to help him out. He fell asleep. When he woke up, he was happy
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