Page 85 - Light of Divinity
P. 85
Light of Divinity
but a bit confused by what he had just dreamt. But he didn’t tell us
The next day, newspaper headlines conveyed the university board’s
decision to grant a special grace of 15 marks, once in any of the four
years of our engineering course. Yogesh’s academic year was saved
and a delighted Yogesh shared his amazing experience with us.
He said he had seen a dream in which his mother took him to
Guruji, and told him how troubled Yogesh was. Guruji just said
there was nothing to worry about and everything will be set right.
This dream occurred a few hours before the board meeting of the
university board!
Every six months, we wanted to have Guruji’s darshan at least once
before sitting for the exams. My visits were facilitated as my parents
were regular visitors, but for my three friends, it required a special
effort. Ashish seemed to have a specially rewarding relationship as
far as these darshans were concerned. He was able to clear all his
semester papers when he was able to have Guruji’s darshan before
the exams. But the exams in which he was unable to have Guruji’s
darshan inevitably led to failure in a single subject or more. He then
had to reappear for these exams.
With Guruji’s grace, after the completion of the engineering course,
Mukesh got placed with Honeywell, a renowned MNC. He was taken
as a trainee for one year. Later, Mukesh was desperately waiting for
confirmation that he had been made an executive grade employee.
The matter had been pending for two months. He came to Guruji on
14 April 2005, had Guruji’s darshan and prasad, and went back. The
next working day, on April 16, his position was confirmed. Guruji
makes everything possible with a shower of his blessings.
My change of marks
The third-semester final exam results revealed that instead of the
30 marks required to pass, I had obtained just 19 marks. This was
shocking news, as after the paper I had evaluated my performance
and was sure I would pass. I told this to my parents, adding an
apprehensive remark that if I had scored just 19 marks in this
question paper, it would be hard for me to clear this exam ever.
Dad told Guruji about the problem, and he advised me to apply
for re-checking which I did the next morning. The following day
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