Page 88 - Light of Divinity
P. 88

Light of Divinity

follower?)” The father said that though he had prayed to Babaji (of
the Radha Swamis), it was Guruji who had come to his rescue.

  Guruji then asked him to get the tests done again. The
investigations went on for two days. All this time, Ashok’s father felt
Guruji’s presence. When the reports came, the doctors were not able
to detect any disease and were incredulous of their investigations.
They recommended an insulin dose, but Ashok’s father refused.
He said he did not believe in their remedies and would henceforth
entrust himself only to the biggest doctor, i.e., Guruji. After one
week, Ashok’s father came to Guruji. The Satguru said the same
words, “Hore wai Radhasowamia, ki hal ne tere...” and told him that he
had been granted a new life.

  After seeing how Guruji saved the family patriarch’s life, all the
family members began coming to Guruji and now believe that they
are in the safe hands of God himself.

Saving the devotee’s business

Guruji once commanded Ashok to close his business, sell the factory
and do away with the machines. Ashok knew that this was his
command and had to be obeyed.

  It took him around 15 days to sell off everything. The old machines
were sold at the buying price and the entire sale broke even. No
one was able to foresee why Guruji had asked Ashok to act thus.
Three weeks down the line, the business was declared out-dated,
and many incurred heavy losses. But Ashok was saved — by God
himself. Obeying Guruji always pays, because he will only ask us to
do something, which is best for us.

Heeding a 10-year-old’s wishes

The 10-year-old daughter of Ashok, involved in preparations at
Bade Mandir for Guruji’s birthday in 2005, desired intensely to have
Guruji’s darshan.

  Ashok requested a long-time devotee to bring his daughter to
the temple. She came to Bade Mandir, but was insistent that she
go to Guruji at Empire Estate as well. However, no one took her to
Guruji. The girl kept crying the whole night and prayed to Guruji
for his darshan. The next day, to everyone’s surprise, Guruji came

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