Page 86 - Light of Divinity
P. 86

Light of Divinity

there were rumours in the campus about changes in some students’
marks. I went to the professor concerned and, as soon as I told
her my name, she confirmed that my marks in that very subject
stood changed: instead of 19, I had now obtained 53 marks. I was
delighted and immediately withdrew the request for rechecking the
paper, and thanked Guruji for his blessings. Later we got to know
that in the whole state—with 120-odd colleges, each college having
hundreds of students— marks of just five students were changed,
and not all of them had increased. I was one of those to obtain an
upward revision, all with Guruji’s grace!

  As just some of my experiences show, the powers that Guruji
possesses and the selfless support he provides to all his children
preserve them, protect them and let them flourish in all walks of
life. Anything which you leave to Guruji is assuredly taken care of
by him. The key is to have total surrender towards Guruji, who is
an endless source of love and affection. May his benign blessings be
with us always and may he keep us in his divine refuge, His charan

                               Om Namah Shivay
                                Shivji Sada Sahay

–Satsang of Arvind Singla, executive at Siemens, son of R P Singla

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