Page 82 - Light of Divinity
P. 82

Light of Divinity

days, Dad told Guruji about the situation. Guruji prescribed a remedy
involving some green chillies that he had blessed. We followed Guruji’s
instruction, and the fever miraculously disappeared within a few
hours. Nothing except Guruji’s grace could have made this happen.

Escaping our car karma

Guruji knows your past and present and takes care of your future.
We are very short-sighted and cannot foresee what is due to befall
us. But once in Guruji’s sharan, you need not bother about the same
as, truly, all your worries are Guruji’s once you leave the decisions of
your life to him.

  Once Guruji called Dad and told him that mine and Mom’s stars
were not favourable. He had probably seen some trouble coming
towards us in the near future and was blessing us, making provision
even then to save us from it.

  The next day, at around noon, I was going in the car to a market
around two km away from home. While crossing a junction, my car
was hit on the left by a speeding bike. The impact was such that the
car skidded and hit the road divider. The next thing I knew shards
of glass were scattered all over me. I looked at the windscreen, but
it was intact; the shards had come from the panes. I stepped out and
went to the bike. Unusually, the crowd was sympathizing with me,
the driver of a bigger vehicle.

  I took down the contact numbers of the driver. A few of his
friends came and took him away. I also decided to move on. I was
not expecting the car to start. But surprisingly it purred in the first
attempt, and I decided to go ahead to the market and make the
purchases. I returned home and had a bath and only then realized
that there was not a single scratch on me. The shards of exploding
glass had not found their target due to Guruji’s divine intervention.

  When we went to Guruji that evening (in a cousin’s car), he just
told Dad: “Singla, never mind, just the car has been damaged. Your son
has not got a scratch, and that is more important.” Anyone who saw
the car would have been forced to conclude the driver had sustained
serious injuries. The damage to the car was massive. Except for
Guruji, no one could have ensured 100 per cent safety for me.

  Then one winter evening, I was driving the car towards Guruji’s
place, when the brakes failed. Thanks to Guruji, the incident

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