Page 91 - Light of Divinity
P. 91

Light of Divinity

  After some days, it was I who required his help. On 8 August
2004, I felt chest pains at night. I went to the doctor who gave me
first aid and sent me home with advice to take bed rest. The next
morning the pain started again half an hour after I had woken up. It
was serious. The pain could be felt in the left arm—a telltale sign of
a heart attack. The doctor gave me first aid and sent me to the Hero
Heart Centre DMC, Ludhiana, for my ECG.

  I asked a friend who was with me to take me to Guruji. My friend
gave me a photo of Guruji the very next day, that is, on 6 August.
My pain disappeared. On 7 August, doctors found that two of the
cardiac arteries were blocked, and operated to put in two stents in
them. In the evening, my heart stopped. I was declared dead.

  Yet I regained consciousness after this final medical declaration.
I did not know how much time it had taken me to come to. The
doctors came to know of it when I answered their queries regarding
my name and address. Seeing that I was very much in possession of
myself, they hurried me to the operation theatre.

  They confessed that I had terrified them a lot. I know that I live
only due to Guruji. If anyone dies, only God can give them a new
life again. So Guruji is God.

  Soon doctors asked me what I was doing at the hospital and
wondered if I was not interested in going back home. Of course, I
was. Two sangat members and friends, Narindar and his wife, came
to see me from Delhi. By that time, I was better and was discharged.
After a fortnight, I went to Delhi to have Guruji’s darshan to thank
him for giving me a new life. At Guruji’s I had langar. I flouted
doctors’ orders with impunity, since I was relishing eatables such as
tikki and golgappa as prasad. Now I am fully fit and satisfied. If today
I can write, it is only because of Guruji. I have met Guruji and now I
think that I have achieved everything in the world. I am very happy
and free of all tension.

  On top of all this, Guruji has also given me his darshan. He
showed me many things impossible for me to see. One day I was
sitting near Guruji when I saw that Guruji had entered my body
through the top of my head. I thought that after some time he would
come out, but he did not. As this thought came into my head, I saw
Guruji coming out and suddenly converting into Lord Shiva. The
holy river Ganga began flowing from his head and entered my body.
After that the sheshanaga came out from Shivji’s body and entered

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