Page 74 - Light of Divinity
P. 74

Light of Divinity

  My parents, on the other hand, lived with uncertainty, as the heart
specialist had painted a grim picture for me. I was a healthy and
happy teenager enjoying all the joys that life offered.

  At 22, I tied the knot and migrated to Delhi. However, as fate had
it, a cloud of torment again descended upon my life, as my asthma
choked me with every changing season. I was hospitalized each time
and given steroid injections.

  I felt dejected and rejected as despite my best efforts to evade and
avoid asthma attacks I was still stuck with the worst kind. My most
life-threatening one struck me in 1997 and that is when I resigned to
it completely. I recall praying in my heart that this be the final one,
as I could no longer endure the affliction. During that ill-fated time, I
had developed a nasty skin condition that enveloped my entire body.
A biopsy confirmed I had skin cancer. I kept my plight to myself, as I
was determined not to shock my family. It was earth-shattering news
and I had decidedly reached the end of the road, as my strength to
go on had diminished.

  However, in the darkness of my night, Guruji, by divine grace
lit a candle. Each time I revisit the day I glimpsed him, I can
distinctly recollect my feelings. As good fortune had it, Guruji
sat alone in his room that day when my friend, who had insisted
on my paying him a visit, accompanied me to him. His mere
presence overwhelmed me. I had felt like a lost child all my life
who had finally found the comfort and protection of her mother.
I had been instantly taken under his wing. I had discovered true
love like never before; it was pure and unconditional. I felt at
home as he embraced me with his infinite love and asked me
to attend his congregation every evening. Come rain or shine I
would go to Guruji every evening and sit amongst hundreds of
other devotees.

  At that time I was undergoing immense physical pain, as my skin
was oozing with pus and blood. In addition, I was psychologically
distressed and this made me increasingly uncomfortable around

  As time elapsed, Guruji bestowed upon me a blessing that began
to heal me internally. I began to accept my condition and instead of
resisting and fighting it with an overkill of bitterness and animosity,
I made peace with it. I accepted the inevitability of my illness and
since I grew to be at ease with it and with my circumstances I went

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