Page 75 - Light of Divinity
P. 75
Light of Divinity
with the flow without expecting to be healed—I didn’t believe that
healing was a possibility.
Merely being with Guruji and imbibing his energy elevated my
spirits and I expected no more. I was finally at peace. As I immersed
myself more and more in his gracious presence I felt a spiritual
awakening. I simply loved being with him as he rendered upon me
love that I never knew before. His love was pure and unconditional
and the kind that could not be substituted.
I gravitated towards him very naturally and effortlessly every single
evening without fail.
On the blessed day, he summoned me to the front, where he sat,
and quite openly announced in Punjabi—which I must confess was
Greek to me—that he had tried and tested and squeezed me like a
lemon and that now he would heal me. I must not fail to add how
true his words were, as he had left no stone unturned in testing my
endurance to see if I was worthy of his love.
I returned home that evening with hope and joy blossoming in my
heart. All those months that my skin was inflamed, I would avoid
my reflection, as I was daunted by it. The mirror was a painful sight.
The turning point arrived when Guruji endowed me with his
eternal blessings and advised me to muster the courage to look in
the mirror. Courage is what it took as the reflection had changed
by only a fraction. However, within a few weeks, I saw a new me
standing in the mirror, a stranger to myself. I was overawed by
Guruji. Without a shadow of doubt, I was convinced of his sublime
healing powers and my love for him grew ever stronger and my faith
even more formidable.
Changing seasons came and went, but did not trigger off any
asthma attacks. In fact, I breathed Delhi’s polluted air as normally
as anyone I knew without being choked by it! Guruji gave me a new
lease of life and told me that I would not have survived if he had not
healed me. His words corresponded with an astrologer’s whom I had
met much earlier that year.
It is a challenge for me to give expression to the transformation
that took place, but the least I can say is that he healed me not only
physically but also enriched me spiritually. After the longest time, I
began to feel comfortable in my own skin, literally!
However, Guruji’s tests are unending and, as nature has it, we
become selfishly distant once we are granted our prayers. One
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