Page 76 - Light of Divinity
P. 76

Light of Divinity
particular incident demonstrates how Guruji never ceases to love his

  He had told me to light a candle before his photograph every day.
One day, after lighting half a box of matches, the candle had still
not lit—much to my dismay. In a fit of fury, I went to the bathroom,
came out—and there was a lit candle! I was startled!

  That very evening as a mark of respect, I especially visited Guruji
even though it was not my visiting day. As I bowed to touch his
feet, he whispered softly in his usual gracious voice, “So, the candle
lit, did it not?” I knew then that it was I who had distanced myself
from Guruji and he, on the contrary, always remained connected.
In a word I would like to conclude by humbly experiencing my
heartfelt gratitude to him and live every moment feeling indebted to
his grace.

—Satsang of a devotee

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