Page 77 - Light of Divinity
P. 77
A messenger
of God
IWAS distressed and shattered when my college-going son fell
into a depression—for no apparent reason. Although we took
professional help, my thoughts turned to Guruji, about whom I had
heard from my daughter. The family of a friend of my daughter’s
used to go to him. The friend’s mother agreed to introduce us to
Guruji. She assured me that my son would not lose college time:
Guruji would take care of everything. I just wanted my son to be
well; his losing a year was not a priority.
Guruji was extremely kind during my first meeting with him. Once
he assured me that things would be okay, I relaxed. With Guruji’s
blessings, my son made slow but steady improvement. Against the
doctor’s advice, my son appeared for half his exams; the college
allowed him to appear for the rest after a month. So, he obtained
good marks. By the grace of God and Guruji, my son recovered
within a month. He happily settled down in his hostel and did well
in his studies. His depression seems like a bad dream.
After meeting Guruji, I feel our family has been blessed and we are
secure under his protection. I shall always feel grateful to Guruji for
his kind blessings. He is truly a messenger of God.
– Satsang of a devotee
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