Page 78 - Light of Divinity
P. 78

The saving power

of satsang

THE word satsang means true or good company. It is beneficial
     listening. In Guruji’s durbar, everyone is a satsang carrier
empowered by his will to deliver messages to those afflicted by grief.
It is not surprising that those who listen to these satsangs find that
they are being told about problems that they suffer from.

  Mr. Arun Sehgal, who had never had Guruji’s darshan, got
admitted to a hospital and came to know that there was a blood clot
in his brain. A devotee who knew Sehgal went to see him in the
hospital and narrated some stories about Guruji.

  After this satsang, the doctors found that the clot had moved to a
dead portion of his brain. On learning of this miraculous occurrence,
the devotee told Sehgal that he had been blessed and that there was
no need to worry. The patient, however, was dismissive. He felt
that the clot’s movement to a benign area of his brain was a random
occurrence, not a manifestation of Guruji’s divine will.

  The very next day a worried doctor came in and told Sehgal that
there had been a serious development. The whole vein that led to the
brain was potholed with clots and an angiography was required. The
procedure, the doctor explained, was critical and further treatment
would be even more so.

  The patient and his attendant family became frantic, and, at this
critical hour, remembered Guruji and prayed for his grace. After
Sehgal’s discharge, the family took to coming to Guruji. Finally, after

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